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Address of Motel Rooms

5491 US 51
Mercer, WI 54547

Driving Directions to the Cottages

You can use Google Maps or Apple Maps to navigate to the Cranberry Inn, but that address corresponds with our motel rooms. Our cottages are a short distance from there, so please read the directions below to navigate to the correct destination.

If you are coming from the south:

Take Highway 51 north through the town of Mercer. 

If you're staying in Cottages 1-10, turn left on Pierpont Drive, then a right on Cut Off Road, and an immediate right into our property. 

If you're staying in Cottages 11-17, drive approximately 1/4 mile past Pierpont Drive and look on the left side of the road for the orange stakes with reflective markers on top. Turn left at the unmarked driveway with orange stakes into our property. 

If you are coming from the north:

Take Highway 51 south past the Cranberry Inn motel rooms (on the right), which is at the intersection of County Road FF.

If you're staying in Cottages 1-10, turn right on Pierpont Drive, approximately 1/2 mile past County Road FF. Then turn right on Cut Off Road, and an immediate right into our property. 

If you're staying in Cottages 11-17, look on the right side of the road for the orange stakes with reflective markers on top, approximately 1/4 mile past County Road FF. Turn right at the unmarked driveway with orange stakes into our property.